About Us

Kia ora! (Hi!)
My name is, you guessed it, Stewart Gauld. I’ve been working alongside small and local businesses over the last 5 years. During this time, I’ve supported and implemented digital strategies to essentially transform small businesses that have limited online leverage and success, and bring them up to pace to drive business growth and success through digital activities.
The realization for me to start producing free, actionable and easy to follow videos and other content came to me a few years back. I honestly felt terrible charging an arm and leg for easy and actionable activities that nearly anyone could implement with the right information. Especially, when many small businesses were struggling to get ahead with things like tech disruptions, digital innovations and competition and let’s not forget the global pandemic!
This led me to start producing simple yet actionable bits of content and activities that I could share with my clients (instead of charging high hourly rates), that they could then implement themselves, thus saving a lot of money whilst also up-skilling in the process!
We also have a small team based in New Zealand called Syndeo Media. This is our digital agency that services your business and implement digital activities such as website development, SEO, SEM, content marketing and more. For those that have a big project or do not have the time to learn from this educational website (Stewart Gauld), feel free to get in touch with our team here: www.syndeo.co.nz
Disclosure: Some of these links throughout this website contain affiliate links, meaning we will get a commission if you buy through them. This helps support our education-based platform and we thank you in advance.