Home Google Tools How To Create a Table in Google Sheets? (5 Easy Methods)

How To Create a Table in Google Sheets? (5 Easy Methods)

by Stewart Gauld
Last updated on July 29th, 2024
How To Create a Table in Google Sheets? Step-by-Step Guide

How can you create tables in Google Sheets?

Organizing your data into a table is an easy and effective way to simplify, comprehend, and analyze information.

Did you know that one of the most fundamental but valuable features of Google Sheets is its ability to create tables?

And did you know that there are multiple ways you can do it?

In this guide, I share various simple ways you can create a table in Google Sheets to break down and present your data in an organized, visually appealing manner.

Read more: Google Sheets Sales Pipeline Template.

How To Create a Table In Google Sheets?

How To Create a Table In Google Sheets_

I know what you’re thinking…isn’t Google Sheets essentially one huge table?

Technically speaking, yes, once you start entering your data within columns and rows in Google Sheets, you’ll instantly create a table.

But what if you want to make this information more functional and visually appealing? This is absolutely possible!

And did you know that there are four ways to create a table in Google Sheets?

Let’s take a look at these now:

  1. Manually add your data into relevant columns and rows.
  2. Inserting a pre-built table into your spreadsheet.
  3. Converting your manual data to a pre-built table.
  4. Using Gemini AI to build a table for you.

Let’s explore the differences between these options now.

Read more: Google Sheets Issue Tracker.

How To Create a Table In Google Sheets Manually?

How To Create a Table In Google Sheets Manually

To manually create a table in Google Sheets, follow these steps:

  • Open a new or existing Google Sheet.
  • Type your own relevant headers within the columns at the top of the sheet.
  • Insert your data within the cells of the sheet.

Make sure you organize your data, rows, and columns to reflect a table-like structure.

From here, you can change the text size and stylecolumn width and row length, cell background color, or borders to your table.

Additionally, you can add more advanced formatting options to your table, such as text alignment, numbers, filters, and conditional formatting.

And that is it!

That’s how you can manually create organized, visually appealing, and easy-to-read tables in Google Sheets.

To learn more about creating a table manually in Google Sheets, check out this step-by-step guide.

Unless you know what you’re doing, this method of creating tables in Google Sheets is pretty basic and involves a lot of manual formatting work.

So, is there an easier and quicker way to build captivating, beautiful tables?

Read more: How To Send Emails From Google Sheets.

How To Insert a Pre-built Table Into Google Sheets?

How To Insert a Pre-built Table Into Google Sheets_

Recently, Google Sheets introduced a new pre-built table feature, which eliminates the manual work involved in creating tables.

To insert a pre-built table into Google Sheets:

  • Open a new Google Sheet spreadsheet.
  • Select ‘Insert’ and then ‘Tables’ from the menu bar.
  • Pick a table from one of the pre-built table templates.

Google Sheets offers various pre-built tables, such as event tasks, content trackers, event planning, product roadmaps, inventory management, marketing, and more.

These tables come with customizable placeholders, smart chips, and color palettes.

Simply pick the one that best represents the data you want to display within your table, then customize the headers, text, and colors to suit your business and brand.

Then, add more rows, change the permissions of those who can access the table, and more.

This new feature means you don’t have to muck around with conditional formatting, data validation, or formulas – how impressive is that?!

Read more: Google Sheets Inventory Tracker.

How To Convert Your Manual Data Into a Pre-built Table?

How To Convert Your Manual Data Into a Pre-built Table

Can you turn your manual table (method one) into a customized, pre-built table (method two)?

The answer is yes! And it’s much easier than you think. To do this:

  • Open your existing Google Sheet.
  • Highlight the cells you want to turn into a table.
  • Click ‘Format’ then Convert as Table’ from the menu bar.

And that’s it! You can then edit the colors, text, and column type (drop-down, tick box, number, etc), filter and sort your columns, and more.

This new feature means anyone can instantly bring their spreadsheets to life.

You can read more about how to use Google Sheets tables here.

How To Use Gemini AI to Build a Table In Google Sheets?

For paid Google Workspace users, you can fast-track your table creations by leveraging Gemini AI, Google’s very own AI tool.

To create a table in Google Sheets using Gemini AI:

  • Open a new Google Sheet.
  • Click ‘Insert’ and then select ‘Help me organize.’
  • In the ‘Create a custom template’ section in the right-hand sidebar, input a specific prompt detailing the type of table you want to build.
  • Make sure to specify the necessary headers and the type of content to add to your columns and rows.

For a detailed walkthrough of this process, check out my Gemini AI Google Sheets guide here.

My Google Sheets Table Template (Sheetify CRM)

My Google Sheets Table Template Sheetify CRM

I mentioned earlier how tables serve as an effective means to present, understand, and analyze data.

But what if I told you you could encapsulate your entire business operations through multiple tables within a single Google Sheet template?

Enter Sheetify CRM, my all-in-one functional business toolkit built entirely with Google Sheets.

Sure, you can create your own Google Sheets tables using the above methods.

But if you’re looking for the ultimate functional CRM solution to organize, manage, and track your data, Sheetify CRM is the most affordable choice on the market.

Sheetify CRM was designed specifically for small and micro-businesses seeking a simple yet powerful Google Sheets CRM solution.

The best part is that with Sheetify CRM, you don’t have to mess around with formulas, conditional formatting, Apps Scripts, or third-party integrations!

This is because Sheetify CRM is essentially a Google Sheets template that comes with pre-made tables and placeholder text that you can customize to suit your business.

These tables enable you to organize and manage your tasks, contacts, sales, transactions, inventory, invoices, emails, and so much more.

This dynamic all-in-one business tool is your go-to choice for monitoring your entire business, all within your free or paid Google Workspace account!

Priced at just $67, you’ll gain access to all existing and forthcoming updates and features, offering a lifetime CRM solution suitable for small and micro-businesses!

You can read more about Sheetify CRM and its functionalities and benefits here.

Stews Final Thoughts

Mastering the art of creating tables in Google Sheets can significantly enhance your data organization and presentation abilities.

Luckily, there are plenty of simple ways you can efficiently construct and format tables within Google Sheets!

Whether you manually create tables yourself, leverage a pre-built or AI-constructed table, or use Sheetify CRM, there’s one thing for certain:

You can construct beautiful tables to display your data!

So, embrace the power of tables as a dynamic tool for data representation, analysis, and collaboration, and unlock a world of possibilities with Google Sheets.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Google Sheets Make Tables?

Yes! Creating tables in Google Sheets is one of the platform’s easiest, most useful features.

You can make tables in Google manually, use a pre-built table, leverage Gemini AI, or use Sheetify CRM, my Google Sheets CRM template, to organize and analyze your data.

Can You Have Multiple Tables in Google Sheets?

Yes, it is possible to create multiple tables within Google Sheets. You can either do this on a separate sheet or within the same sheet.

Is There a Table Format in Google Sheets?

Yes, you can format your Google Sheets data into a table by:

  • Selecting a data range.
  • Clicking ‘Format > Convert to table.’

Google Sheets takes charge of the formatting and organization process for you!

These pre-built tables come with pre-made, customizable column types, filtering options, color schemes, dropdown menus, and additional features.

Does Google Sheets Have a CRM?

Google Sheets doesn’t offer a native CRM.

However, you can download my powerful Google Sheets CRM Template, Sheetify CRM, for a one-time payment of $67 and use Google Sheets as a fully functional CRM tool!

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My name is Stewart Gauld. I’ve been helping small and local businesses with digital activties over the last 7 years.