Home CRM for Small Business How To Merge Cells In Google Sheets | Three Easy Methods

How To Merge Cells In Google Sheets | Three Easy Methods

by Stewart Gauld
Last updated on June 3rd, 2024
How To Merge Cells In Google Sheets | Three Simple Methods

In this article, I’ll show you how to merge cells in Google Sheets to format or combine your spreadsheet data.

Attention all Google Sheets users! Are you tired of dealing with messy and jumbled data within your Google Sheets spreadsheets? Well, your life is about to change!

I’m about to reveal a super simple trick for making your spreadsheets look neat and tidy – merging cells.

So, let’s dive right in and find out how to merge cells in Google Sheets.

Read more: Level Up With Google Sheets AI.

How To Merge Cells In Google Sheets? Three Methods

How To Merge Cells In Google Sheets_

I know it sounds scary and complicated, but trust me – Google Sheets makes it super easy to combine your data into one cell.

In fact, did you know there are actually three ways you can do it?

Method 1: How To Merge Cells (Top Menu List)

The first method of merging cells within Google Sheets involves a few clicks, but don’t worry; it’s still straightforward! Here’s how it works:

  • Select which cells you want to merge.
  • Click ‘Format’ from the top menu list.
  • Select ‘Merge cells’ from the drop-down list.
  • Here, you’ll see three options: ‘Merge all,’ ‘Merge vertically,’ or ‘Merge horizontally.’
  • Select which option suits your needs.

Method 2: How To Merge Cells In Google Sheets (Shortcut)

Unfortunately, no ‘one-click’ direct shortcut to merging cells within Google Sheets exists, but there is a shortcut to open the merge cell menu:

  • Highlight which cells you want to merge.
  • Select ‘Option + Control + O + M’ (Mac users) or ‘Alt + O + M’ (Windows users).
  • Choose ‘Merge all,’ ‘Merge vertically,’ or ‘Merge horizontally’ as shown above.

Method 3: How To Merge Cells In Google Sheets (Merge Cell Icon)

The third and final method to merge cells within Google Sheets is through the ‘Merge Cell’ icon. To do this:

  • Select all cells you want to merge.
  • Click the ‘Merge cells’ icon.
  • Choose ‘Merge all,’ ‘Merge vertically,’ or ‘Merge horizontally’ from the drop-down menu.

Read more: Google Sheets Task Tracker Template.

Which Way To Merge Cells In Google Sheets?

As mentioned, you can merge all cells in your Google Sheet or merge cells vertically or horizontally.

So, what’s the difference between these three functions? Let’s find out:

  • Merge all combines all highlighted cells into one giant, unified cell.
  • Merge vertically comes in handy when you want to merge cells within each column, making your columns look sleek and organized.
  • Merge horizontally is your go-to solution when you have rows of titles for your data.

Read more: How To Manage Your Inventory Within Google Sheets?

How To Unmerge Cells In Google Sheets?

What if you accidentally merged the wrong cells? Don’t panic!

Unmerging cells is as easy as merging cells in Google Sheets! To Unmerge cells in Google Sheets:

  • Select the merged cell you want to unmerge.
  • Choose ‘Format’ from the top menu list.
  • Click ‘Merge cells’ from the drop-down list.
  • Select ‘Unmerge’.

Read more: How To Send Emails From Google Sheets?

Why Merge Cells In Google Sheets?

Why Merge Cells In Google Sheets_

With all that said, why should you merge cells in Google Sheets? What are the benefits?

If you want to enhance the look or feel of your data, you can transform your spreadsheet into an organized, enticing, and easy-to-navigate masterpiece!

All by simply merging cells!

Merging cells can help create clear and defined sections, headers, or subheaders within your sheet, no matter the type of spreadsheet you’re working on.

This makes your work more professional and ensures your data is visually appealing, intuitive, and easily interpreted at one glance.

So, if you’re looking to improve your Google Sheets, merging cells is a simple yet impactful function that changes how your data is perceived!

Read more: Google Sheets Issue Tracker.

What You Need To Know About Merging Cells In Google Sheets

Sure, merging cells is awesome for many reasons. But there are a few things you should know before diving in:

  • When you merge cells, the only value kept is the top-left value.

This means you’ll need to consider any important data within multiple cells before merging them.

  •  The same content and formatting apply when you copy and paste a merged cell.

If you only need to copy the value, choose ‘Paste value only’ or ‘Paste as text’ to avoid unwanted formatting.

  • It can be niggly to insert new rows or columns with merged cells.

If there are merged cells (within two consecutive rows or columns of where you’re trying to insert a new row or column), you can’t add any new data.

You’ll need to unlock the merged cell before adding any new data.

  • Copying and pasting formulas within merged cells is also tricky.

Say you want to copy formulas in cells B2 and C2 down a hundred rows, but you’ve merged a cell across columns B and C (for example, B6 and C7).

When you copy and paste, only the formula in B2 gets copied. The only way around this is to unmerge the cells and copy and paste the formulas.

In saying that, merging cells in Google Sheets can genuinely take control of your data and make it shine!

So, if it’s that easy to merge cells in Google Sheets, what else can Google Sheets do??

Read more: Google Sheets Calendar Template 

Can Google Sheets Be Used As A CRM?

Can Google Sheets Be Used As A CRM_

Did you know that Google Sheets can be a fully functional CRM (customer relationship management) system?

A CRM is an essential tool for managing contacts and tracking sales-related data in one place.

And guess what? You don’t have to leave Google Sheets to manage your contacts, sales, and interactions!

Read more: 7 Best CRM Software For Small Business.

My Google Sheets CRM Template (Sheetify CRM)

My Google Sheets CRM Template Sheetify CRM

I’ve created an all-in-one Google Sheets CRM business toolkit called Sheetify CRM, which I designed specifically for small and micro-businesses.

This intuitive and user-friendly CRM tool is perfect for businesses wanting to streamline their customer-related data in one place.

I know what you’re thinking….aren’t there hundreds of Google Sheets CRM templates out there? Well, you’re not wrong!

However, Sheetify CRM is far superior to most simple Google Sheets templates. Sheetify is a versatile solution that actually adapts to your unique business needs.

Whether you’re looking to manage your contacts, leads, emails, inventory, tasks, deals, invoices, issues, transactions, or sales, Sheetify CRM is your new best friend.

Plus, you can easily track key metrics and business performance with Sheetify – all within Google Sheets.

We’ve handled everything for you with our handy pre-made columns, rows, and formulas tailored to suit your business.

So, how can you make the most out of Sheetify CRM as a complete Google Sheets CRM solution?

Simply sign up, explore the user-friendly interface, import your existing data, start managing your customers and sales, and get ready to take your business to the next level!

Read more about how you can use Google Sheets as a CRM here

Stews Final Thoughts

And there you go! It is that easy to merge cells in Google Sheets!

Google Sheets is a versatile, easy-to-use spreadsheet solution for all business types.

Therefore, it’s no surprise that merging cells in Google Sheets is incredibly easy and useful!

Whether you use Google Sheets as a CRM or a personal spreadsheet, merging cells helps you save time, space, and effort!

With the simple steps outlined in this article, you should now be able to merge cells effectively in Google Sheets.

Frequently Asked Questions


How To Merge Cells In Google Sheets?

  • Highlight the cells you want to merge.
  • Click ‘Format’ from the top menu list, then ‘Merge cells’.
  • Select ‘Merge all,’ ‘Merge vertically,’ or ‘Merge horizontally.’

What Is The Merge Cells Shortcut In Google Sheets?

Select ‘Alt + O + then M’ (Windows users) or ‘Control + Option + O + M’ (Mac users) to take you to the merge cell menu.

Does Google Sheets Have a CRM?

Yes! By downloading Sheetify, my simple and powerful CRM solution, you can leverage Google Sheets as a fully functional CRM tool.

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My name is Stewart Gauld. I’ve been helping small and local businesses with digital activties over the last 7 years.