Home Business Tools Keyword Research Services: What Are They And Why Do You Need Them?

Keyword Research Services: What Are They And Why Do You Need Them?

by Stewart Gauld
Last updated on January 23rd, 2024
3 Best Keyword Research Services (2024 Update) - Stewart Gauld

Keyword Research Services – what are they?

In today’s hyper-competitive digital landscape, capturing your audience’s attention and outranking your competitors is necessary.

So, where do you start? Well, you’ll need an extraordinary SEO strategy, of course!

SEO is one of the most invaluable tools you can incorporate into your marketing strategies, and at the heart of that strategy is keyword research.

Read more: How To Do Keyword Research? 

Keyword Research Services

Keyword Research Services

For busy entrepreneurs and business owners, finding the time and expertise to conduct comprehensive keyword research can seem like a mammoth task.

However, fear not! Keyword research services are here to help!

Discover what these services are, why they’re an absolute game-changer, and how they can completely skyrocket your business to success. 

What Is Keyword Research

Key research involves identifying and analyzing words and phrases online users type into search engines (like Google).

By researching these keywords, you can optimize your website content and marketing efforts to climb the search engine ladder and attract more organic traffic!

Keyword research helps businesses understand what language their target audience uses to search for specific products, services, or information.

Once you have that information, you can create content that aligns with the phrases potential customers type into Google.

The goal? To rank on page one of search engines!

Read more: How To Use ChatGPT For Keywords and SEO. 

Best Keyword Research Services

Okay, so now that we’ve established what keyword research is, where do you begin? Well, luckily, you don’t have to do it alone!

Many free and paid keyword research services are out there to help you.

Here are my top 3 keyword research services: 

1. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere Keyword Research

Best lightweight keyword research tool.

Keywords Everywhere differentiates itself from other marketing research tools by its unique approach to enhancing your online presence and visibility.

To get started, you’ll need to download the paid Google Chrome extension.

Once installed, the tool gathers data from various search engines and marketplaces like Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, eBay, and Etsy.

With Keywords Everywhere’s streamlined SEO toolbox, you can discover specific keywords to boost your website’s visibility across both search engines and marketplaces.

The tool offers a range of features such as traffic, SEO, and Moz link metrics, keyword suggestions, competitor gap analysis, trend charts, and volume data across SEO tools, search engines, and eCommerce websites.

Previously a free tool, Keywords Everywhere now offers plans ranging from just $1.25 to $80 per month – This is such an affordable price point!

By utilizing Keywords Everywhere, you can easily grasp the importance of keywords and how they impact your audience, traffic, and overall success.

Read more: Keywords Everywhere Alternatives. 

2. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest Keyword Research

Best affordable all-round SEO platform.

Ubersuggest is the brainchild of renowned digital marketer Neil Patel and is a game-changing free tool in the SEO world.

With keyword research tools, competitor analysis, backlink overviews, and site audits, Ubersuggest gives you everything you need to enhance your online presence – all for free!

One of Ubersuggest’s standout features is its ability to generate keyword ideas, analyze search volume, and reveal keyword competition so you can better understand and target your audience effectively.

Ubersuggest stands out as an affordable and user-friendly keyword research tool that can significantly strengthen your SEO efforts (and deliver remarkable results!)

However, if you require a more comprehensive solution, there may be better choices than Ubersuggest.

Read more: Ubersuggest vs SEMrush 

3. SEMrush

SEMrush Keyword Research

Best all-in-one digital marketing toolkit.

SEMrush helps you conduct in-depth keyword research analysis to stay ahead of the competition – But don’t be fooled; it doesn’t stop there!

In addition to keyword research, SEMrush is your one-stop shop for optimizing digital marketing campaigns and enhancing online visibility.

It provides marketers with various features, including search engine ranking monitoring, site audits, backlink tracking, social media and content marketing, PPC campaigns, and more.

With SEMrush, you can generate valuable marketing insights and seamlessly improve your organic search traffic.

By using SEMrush’s comprehensive online visibility insights, be prepared to take your entire digital strategy to the next level.

Although SEMrush isn’t free (plans ranging from 119.95-$495 per month), I believe it’s the best full-featured all-in-one digital marketing solution on the market.

Read my comprehensive SEMrush review here. 

Why Is Keyword Research Important?

Why Is Keyword Research Important_

As mentioned, keyword research is crucial to any business’s SEO strategy. But why exactly is it so important?

Let’s find out.

  • Effective keyword research allows you to identify keywords and phrases that align with your target audience’s search intent. By incorporating these keywords into your website content, the chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages is instantly increased, driving more organic traffic!
  • Keyword research provides valuable insights into your audience’s interests, preferences, and pain points. By understanding the exact terms and phrases they use to search for specific information or solutions, you gain a deeper understanding of your target market.
  • Staying ahead of your competitors in the fiercely competitive online landscape is crucial. Thorough keyword research helps you identify untapped opportunities and allows you to monitor and analyze the keywords your competitors are targeting. By leveraging this knowledge, you can optimize your content to outperform them!

Read more: Is SEMrush worth it? 

My Final Thoughts

To wrap things up, keyword research services like Keywords Everywhere, Ubersuggest, and SEMrush are essential for your online success.

By harnessing the power of these expert tools and strategies, you can identify and target the most relevant and high-performing keywords for your business.

And the best part is, they do all the hard work for you!

Whether you’re a small business owner or a seasoned marketer, investing in keyword research services can be an absolute game-changer.

Stay informed, stay competitive, and unlock your website’s true potential with the assistance of keyword research services today!

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My name is Stewart Gauld. I’ve been helping small and local businesses with digital activties over the last 7 years.