How To Create a WordPress Website Using Elementor Cloud
Home Website builders How To Create a WordPress Website using Elementor Cloud | WordPress Tutorial for Beginners

How To Create a WordPress Website using Elementor Cloud | WordPress Tutorial for Beginners

by Stewart Gauld
Last updated on February 9th, 2024
How To Create a WordPress Website Using Elementor Cloud

The New BEST Way To Build with WordPress?

In this WordPress tutorial for beginners, we’ll dive into the step-by-step process of building a WordPress website using Elementor Cloud.

A staggering 35-40% of all websites use WordPress.

Using WordPress, you can build websites of varying types and sizes.

However, building a site using WordPress is not exactly straightforward, especially if you have no prior web design and building experience.

There’s a lot involved in creating a site, including choosing the right hosting provider, connecting a domain, installing WordPress, getting an SSL certificate, and more.

The entire process can easily get overwhelming for most people.

On the bright side, you have an all-in-one, hassle-free WordPress website building solution called Elementor Cloud.

It removes all the technical barriers involved in creating a website so that your site can get up and running in minutes!

Read more: Elementor Tutorial for Beginners

What is Elementor Cloud?

It’s one of the most intuitive and easy-to-use platforms designed for crafting a premium WordPress website.

To get started:
To get started

  • Visit or click this link.
  • Select ‘Cloud Website’
  • Scroll down to ‘Elementor Cloud Website’
  • Notice the attractive pricing at US$99 per year. It includes site hosting, 20GB of storage, 100GB of bandwidth, SSL, and Elementor Pro

If for any reason, you feel that Elementor Cloud isn’t working out for you, don’t worry.

You are protected by a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Read more: How To Make A Premium Small Business Website

How To Create a WordPress Website using Elementor Cloud

Now that you know more about Elementor, let’s begin our Elementor Cloud tutorial and help you understand how this platform works.

1.       Get Started with Elementor Cloud

Get Started with Elementor Cloud

Get started with Elementor Cloud for FREE here

 *The link above is an affiliate link, which means we will get a commission if you upgrade to a paid plan (with no extra cost to you). This helps support our education-based website and we thank you in advance!

  • Under the pricing plan, tap on ‘Buy Now’
  • Complete the signup. You’ll be inside the Elementor dashboard.
  • Click on ‘Create Cloud Website’ (top-right corner)
  • Add your site name. For this Elementor Cloud tutorial, we’ll use our agency’s name – Syndeo Media.
  • Hit ‘Next’
  • Notice the free branded domain name (refer to the screengrab). You can, of course, purchase a custom domain and add it later on.
  • You can edit the site name part of the URL if needed
  • Hit ‘Next’
  • Choose the website type. We’ll go for the ‘Business/Corporate website’
  • Next, you can select a premade website kit. But we’ll start from scratch for now and choose a kit later on.
  • When you see the ‘Site Ready’ prompt, hit ‘Let’s Go!’

Read more: How to Create a Free Website with WordPress

2.      Understand the Elementor Cloud Dashboard

Understand the Elementor Cloud Dashboard

Before we reveal how to create a WordPress website using Elementor, it’s crucial to understand the Elementor Cloud dashboard first.

  • Notice that the site lock is currently on, which means that our website isn’t live yet. And we prefer it that way since we haven’t started building it yet. We can disable the site lock once the website is ready to be published.
  • Click the three dots next to the site lock. You can view related subscriptions here or unlock your website.
  • When you open the subscription details, you can select ‘Auto Renewal’ (top-right corner) anytime you want.

Now click on ‘Websites’ (top left-hand corner) where you’ll see three options:

Now click on ‘Websites’ (top left-hand corner) where you’ll see three options

  • Open WordPress dashboard
  • Edit with Elementor
  • Manage the website

We’ll pick the third option.

The basic site information will be generated for you.

That includes the site name and URL at the top.

And under ‘Managed Domains’ is where you can add a custom domain.

For this Elementor Cloud tutorial, however, we’ll continue with the branded domain.

Under ‘Managed Domains’, you’ll also find that the SSL certificate has already been installed, which means that your WordPress site is secure.

If you open your website right now, you’ll notice a lock icon near the URL.

It tells people that the website is safe to visit.

3.      Access Automatic Backups

Access Automatic Backups

  • Scroll down to ‘Under the hood’
  • Observe that a site backup has already been created by Elementor
  • You can also manually back up your website by clicking on ‘Create new backup’

This is crucial.

If your site goes down due to a clash between plugins, updates, or themes, you can easily restore it from here.

You can also export the backup to your computer for safekeeping.

Now, let’s understand how to use Elementor to customize your website.

Read more: How To Backup Your WordPress Website

4.     Create & Customize Our Website

Create & Customize Our Website

  • Head back to ‘Websites’
  • Select ‘Open WP dashboard’

5.      Find Elementor Support

Find Elementor Support

Notice the chat icon in the bottom-right corner?

That’s where you can contact the Elementor support team when you need help.

Beginners might need Elementor Support more than professionals. But it’s a valuable feature nonetheless.

Most of the groundwork needed to create a website has already been done by Elementor Cloud.

For instance, navigate over to ‘Plugins’ and you’ll find that the Elementor Pro plugin has already been installed and activated.

If you’re a beginner reading this, you must know that plugins are features that you add to your WordPress website.

To add a new plugin, all you’d do is:

To add a new plugin, all you’d do is

  • Select ‘Add New’
  • Locate the plugin from the search bar
  • Install and activate it.

Explore the Theme

Explore the Theme _

A theme determines the overall structure and style of your website.

Visit Appearances > Theme to check out the current theme.

For this WordPress tutorial 2022, we’ll keep using the Hello theme.

It’s a lightweight yet powerful Elementor theme.

You can, of course, install a different WordPress theme if you like.

Note: We’ve created a WordPress 101 tutorial if you want to understand WordPress in detail.

6.      Use Elementor Website Kits

Use Elementor Website Kits

  • Select ‘Templates’ from the menu
  • Click on ‘Kit Library’
  • Hit ‘View Demo’ to explore a specific Elementor website kit. Take the time to go through the individual web pages within the kits.
  • Preview how the pages would look like on mobile, desktop, and tablet. You’ll find the preview buttons right in the top-middle area.
  • Select ‘Back to Library’ to exit the demo.
  • You can also locate a specific website kit using the search bar
  • In the top-right area, click the drop-down next to ‘Featured’. This is where you can sort the kits by these criteria: trending, new, popular.
  • Tick off the categories on the left to further refine your search. For this WordPress tutorial 2022, we’ll choose the ‘Business and Services’ category. After that, we’ll go with the Digital Marketing Agency website kit. Refer to the screengrab.
  • After viewing the demo, click on ‘Apply Kit’ (top-right corner) and then select ‘Apply All’.
  • Next, Elementor will ask you to pick the elements you want to include on your website. For this tutorial, we’ll keep all the elements selected because we want to import the entire kit.
  • Hit ‘Next’
  • Once your site is live, click ‘Close’ (bottom-right corner)
  • To exit out of the kit library, hit the ‘X’ icon in the upper-right corner.

To view what your website looks like right now:

To view what your website looks like right now

  • Tap on the site name located in the upper-left corner (in our case it’s Syndeo Media)
  • Select ‘Visit Site’

7.      Add a Website Logo

Add a Website Logo

  • On your website, click on the site name again.
  • Select ‘Dashboard’.
  • Choose Appearances > Customize > Site Identity.
  • Tap on ‘Select logo’ and upload your logo.
  • Hit ‘Publish’

You might need to refresh your page if you don’t see the logo.

Head back to the dashboard.

Note: Watch this beginner’s tutorial on Canva to design your logo if you don’t have one.

Read more: Canva Free Logo Maker

8.     Customize Website Pages with Elementor

Customize Website Pages with Elementor

It’s time to customize the pages in this WordPress tutorial for beginners.

We’ll do so by using the Elementor Pro plugin which gives us access to their easy drag-and-drop editor.

  • Click on ‘Visit Site’
  • Select the page you wish to customize. For this Elementor Cloud tutorial, we’ll customize the homepage.
  • Tap on ‘Edit with Elementor’

Before we go ahead and customize the homepage, it’s important that you understand the page structure, which is as follows:

Before we go ahead and customize the homepage, it’s important that you understand the WordPress page structure, which is as follows_

  • Sections
  • Columns within sections
  • Elements or widgets within the columns

The widgets or elements are located on your left.

To add those to the homepage, you’d simply need to drag and drop them.

You can, of course, edit the existing elements on your homepage.

To customize the text element, for instance:
To customize the text elements from the pre-made site kit, simply do the following_

  • Select the element
  • Start editing the text right on the website or on your left. Refer to the screengrab.
  • Go through the other customization features like including a link, HTML tag, modifying the size, etc.
  • Click on ‘Style’ next to ‘Content’. This is where you can change the text color, typography, text shadow, and more.
  • Click on ‘Preview Changes’ to see what the changes would look like.
  • Select ‘Update’

On the Elementor editor, you can also view the customization history.

Also read: How To Get A Free SSL Certificate for WordPress

Now, let’s customize the button element in this WordPress tutorial 2022:

Now, let’s customize the button element in this WordPress tutorial 2022

  • Select the element
  • Change the button text to ‘Learn More’
  • Change the button link if you want
  • Hit ‘Update’

Using the Elementor drag-and-drop editor is quite easy!

To replace the default image:

To replace the default image

  • Select the image element
  • Upload a new image on your left
  • Check out other options like image size, alignment, caption, and link.

Similarly, you can customize the other elements on the homepage.

To delete an element:

  • Select the element
  • Hit right click > Delete

To duplicate an element:

  • Select the element
  • Hit right click > Duplicate

Besides the elements, you can also add new sections.

Besides the elements, you can also add new sections

  • Hover over a section
  • Click the ‘+’ icon
  • Select the structure
  • Drag and drop columns to your section
  • Add your elements

9.      Add a Template Section (Block)

Add a Template Section (Block)

Did you know that you can add templates to the existing web pages?

Here’s how:

  • Select a section
  • Click the ‘+’ icon
  • Tap on the file icon
  • Import page templates or head over to ‘Blocks’. These are premade sections that you can add to your website pages.
  • Filter the blocks by choosing the required option from the drop-down menu. For instance, you can select ‘Call to Action’ to generate relevant blocks.
  • Click ‘Insert’ to add a block
  • Customize the block and hit ‘Update’

10.   Customize the Header & Footer

Let’s understand how to customize them in this Elementor Cloud tutorial

The header and footer should be the same across all the website pages. Let’s understand how to customize them in this Elementor Cloud tutorial.

  • Select the header
  • Click the phone number element. Replace it with your business phone number.
  • Hit ‘Update’
  • Click on the logo and replace it with yours. In this method, you’re adding a logo from the frontend rather than the backend.
  • Scroll down to the footer and select ‘Edit Footer’
  • Change the footer logo to your business logo
  • Navigate over to ‘Follow Us’ and click the pencil icon
  • Add social media links on the left.
  • Alternatively, you can delete the ‘Follow Us’ element and type in ‘Social’ under ‘Elements’.
  • Drag and drop the ‘Social Icons’ element to the footer. Refer to the screengrab.
  • Add the links to the icons and change the alignment if needed
  • Hit Update

To revisit your WordPress dashboard:

To revisit your WordPress dashboard

  • Click the three horizontal lines (top-left corner)
  • Select ‘Exit to Dashboard’

11.    Explore the Theme Builder

Explore the Theme Builder

Instead of visiting the dashboard, you can also click on ‘Theme Builder’. This is where you can create a custom header and footer.

To add a custom footer, for instance:

To add a custom footer, for instance

  • Select ‘Footer’ from the left-hand menu
  • Click on ‘Add New’
  • Insert a premade template footer

Back on your WordPress dashboard, you can locate the theme builder from the backend.
Back on your WordPress dashboard, you can locate the theme builder from the backend

  • Select ‘Templates’
  • Choose ‘Theme Builder’ from the options

12.   Add a New Website Page

Add a New Website Page

Adding a new page is quite easy on WordPress.

  • Click on ‘New’.
  • Choose ‘Page’ from the drop-down.
  • Alternatively, select ‘Page’ from the menu and hit ‘Add New’.
  • Name your new page. We’ll add a service page called Website Design for this WordPress tutorial 2022.
  • Hit Publish

As long as the site lock is active, the page won’t be live.

However, if it’s turned off, you can save the website page as a draft and only publish it when it’s ready.

13.   Add Page to Menu

Add Page to Menu

The newly added service page should appear on your website’s primary menu.

To make that happen:

  • Select ‘Appearance’
  • Click on ‘Menus’
  • Under ‘Menu structure’ and next to ‘Menu Name’, ensure that you have the correct menu selected. This is in case you have multiple menus.
  • Below ‘Pages’ on the left, select ‘Website Design’ (or the new page you’ve created)
  • Hit ‘Add to Menu’
  • Notice the new page on your primary menu
  • Drag and drop to change its position on the menu. It can also be added as a subitem for the Services page. Refer to the screengrab.
  • Check out the additional options below ‘Pages’. You can add posts, custom links, and/or categories to the primary menu.
  • Hit ‘Save Menu’

Now if you visit your site again, you’ll notice the new subpage on the primary menu.

14.  Customize the New Website Page

Customize the New Website Page

There is no content on the new page right now.

  • Click on ‘Edit with Elementor’ at the top
  • Build your website page from scratch by adding sections, columns, and elements
  • Alternatively, you can hit the file icon (Add Template) and pick multiple blocks and templates.

Now, head back to your WordPress dashboard.

15.   Publish Your Website (Site Lock)

Publish Your Website (Site Lock)

  • Navigate over to ‘Site Lock’.
  • Select ‘Change this setting’. You’ll arrive at your Elementor Cloud dashboard.
  • Click on ‘Change this setting’.
  • Scroll down to ‘Site Lock’.
  • Turn off the toggle.
  • Select ‘Unlock Site’.
  • Click on the site URL at the top

Your website is live!

Final Note (Full Video Guide Here)

Elementor Cloud is ideal for small business websites and individuals with limited experience.

It removes the technical barriers faced by a beginner in setting up their WordPress websites.

As a result, website creation becomes quick and easy!

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My name is Stewart Gauld. I’ve been helping small and local businesses with digital activties over the last 7 years.