Is Google Sites Good for SEO? Google Sites SEO Guide & Review
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Is Google Sites Good for SEO? Pros & Cons for Google Sites SEO

by Stewart Gauld
Last updated on June 21st, 2024

Is Google Sites Google for SEO?

Engaging in SEO (search engine optimization) activities is crucial for brands that want to boost visibility online and drive traffic to their website.

And if you want to leverage SEO to grow your brand exponentially, many incredible website-building platforms out there can help.

But is SEO on Google Sites good?

Lets find out in this Google Sites SEO guide.

Google Sites For SEO

Google Sites isn’t typically the first tool that springs to mind when it comes to SEO-friendly websites.

However, did you know there are ways to use Google Sites for SEO to rank higher on search engines like Google?

That’s right, SEO on Google Sites is possible! Have I caught your attention yet?

Find out more about how SEO on Google Sites can help you climb the search engine ladder in this thorough Google Sites SEO guide below.

Google Sites Pros and Cons for SEO

What is Google Sites_

Okay, now that we know Google Sites is SEO-friendly, let’s examine the pros and cons.


  • You can seamlessly integrate your site with other Google tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to help track and optimize your website’s performance.
  • Google Sites has some basic free SEO features (mentioned above in the video tutorial)
  • All website themes and templates are mobile-responsive (which can positively affect search rankings).


  • Google Sites has limited design and customization options compared to other website builders or CMS platforms (like WordPress).
  • It lacks advanced SEO functionalities that are available on other website builders or dedicated CMS platforms.
  • You have limited control over meta tags, headers, and URL structure.
  • Many small businesses find it challenging to find their website in Google searches because of their low ranking.

Who Is Google Sites Best For?

Who Is Google Sites Best For_

Google Sites is ideal for local businesses that already use Google Workspace, Google Business Profile, and other Google apps.

These businesses typically only require a simple one-page website, which is exactly what Google Sites can offer.

I suggest Google Sites for cafes, hairdressers, landscapers, plumbers, electricians, or local businesses that rely on people physically coming to your business.

What about eCommerce?

Well, selling products to your Google Sites website is possible, but you’ll have to use third-party tools.

It’s important to note that Google Sites is a basic website builder tool with limited features compared with other website builders.

The website builder includes constrained templates, themes, page-building elements, and simple Google Sites SEO functionality.

But if you’re after a standalone landing page for your small business, Google Sites is for you.

Plus, it’s free

Stews Final Thoughts

And that brings me to the end of this Google Sites SEO guide!

As you can see, using Google Sites for Google SEO is possible.

However, although Google Sites is SEO-friendly, it is limited in terms of features and functionality.

Google Sites is an excellent choice if you’re not planning to rely heavily on SEO to grow your brand.

If you’re a local business that relies on local customers, I’d use Google Sites in conjunction with Google Business Profile.

And if you’re after a more robust website and SEO-friendly website builder option, maybe check out WordPress or Wix.

Have you used Google Sites for SEO? What did you think?

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My name is Stewart Gauld. I’ve been helping small and local businesses with digital activties over the last 7 years.