Install Google Analytics 4 On WordPress (Guide & Video) 2023
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Install Google Analytics 4 On WordPress (Setup & Video Tutorial) 2023

by Stewart Gauld
Last updated on January 19th, 2024
How to Install Google Analytics 4 On WordPress - Stewart Gauld

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is here, let’s install Google Analytics 4 on your WordPress website!

Well, Google Analytics 4 has actually been here for a long time! But the important issue is that the older version of Google Analytics is about to expire (it will no longer collect data from the 1st of july 2023).

So, we need to shift over to Google Analytics 4 ASAP!

You might even be reading this post after the 1st of July 2023, in that case, we need to quickly get GA4 up and running with your website so you can start collecting important data!

Universal Analytics ending july

Therefore, my main objective today is to help you navigate through the process of setting up a new Google Analytics 4 account and property and then connect this to your WordPress website.

Google Analytics 4 and WordPress

Also, I will share how you can SHIFT over to the new GA4 account if you already have the older version of Google Analytics installed (Univeral Analytics).

So today I will walk you through the following:

  1. Set up a new Google Analytics account and property.
  2. Shift over from the old version of Google Analytics to GA4 (if this is sounds like you).
  3. Connect GA4 to WordPress.
  4. Then learn how to use GA4.

So, if you run a WordPress website then this beginner’s guide is for you. Let’s get you up and running!

Read more: Complete Semrush review and tutorial for beginners.

What is Google Analytics 4? (Beginner Friendly)

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is basically an all-in-one free Google Analytics product. Google Analytics 4 is the most recent version of Google Analytics and is important for tracking, measuring and understanding your website’s performance.

Google Analytics is vital for any type and size of business. There are other analytical products on the market but GA4 is the most popular for WordPress websites.

What is Google Analytics 4_

The main difference between the older version of Google Analytics and GA4 is in their data model focus.

GA4 puts more emphasis on the complete lifecycle of your customers.

This enables you to track and assess the interactions of visitors on your website, as well as the steps they take to become a customer.

As you can see, it’s crucial to have Google Analytics up and running on your website.

Read more: How to connect GA4 with Shopify.

Does WordPress Support Google Analytics 4?

Yes, WordPress does support Google Analytics 4 and the great news is, it’s incredibly easy to set up with your WordPress website.

And I’m going to show you how to do this with a plugin, meaning you do not need to touch your website’s code!

Google Analytics 4 WordPress Integration (New Method)

Now, the method to connect Google Analytics 4 to your website varies slightly based on the website type you use.

In this post, I’ll concentrate on the process for those using a WordPress website.

So, how can we accomplish this? Allow me to demonstrate.

  • Setup Google Analytics 4 (Simple Step-by-step Guide)

First, if you’ve never used Google Analytics before, you’ll need to go through the process of creating your Google Analytics 4 account and property.

If you already have the older version of Google Analytics connected to your WordPress website, you can skip down to the next section (Shift over to Google Analytics 4).

To set up your new Google Analytics 4 account and property, simply follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new Google Analytics account.

Head over to and get started. You’ll need a Google Account, which can be a free or paid Google Account.

Step 2: Set up your Google Analytics account.

Start by choosing an account name, such as your business name or another name like “Stewart Gauld’s Accounts” if you plan to manage multiple websites under this one account (e.g., your agency name).

If you already have a Google Analytics account for another website, click on Admin (on the left) inside your dashboard or home, and then select Create Account or Create Property, depending on whether you want a different account or just another property within your existing account.

Step 3: Create a new property.

Google Analytics 4 property

Add the property name, and reporting time zone, and select your primary website currency for reporting.

Step 4: Add your business information.

Include details like industry type, and business size, and select the goals you want to achieve with Google Analytics (or skip this step, and don’t worry about your selection). Then, agree to Google Analytics’ terms of service.

Google Analytics 4 business details

Step 5: Select the right platform.

Since we’re working with a WordPress website, choose “web.”

Step 6: Add your WordPress URL and website name.

The URL should be in this format: For example, if I were to connect GA4 to

Google Analytics 4 add WordPress URL

Next, name your stream.

Finally, click “Connect stream!” Congratulations, you’ve completed the setup of your Google Analytics 4 account, property, and data stream.

Now, let’s connect it to our WordPress website! Proceed to the section – Set up Google Analytics 4 with WordPress (Beginners Guide).

Read more: How to use Google Analytics 4 after installing it on your website.

  • Shift over to Google Analytics 4

This section is for those who already have Universal Analytics installed and want to shift to the new Google Analytics 4.

You can continue collecting data from the old version of Google Analytics until July 1st, 2023.

Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Select the right account.

Inside your Google Analytics account, navigate to Admin (bottom left).

Step 2: Choose GA4 Setup Assistant.

Click on “Get Started,” then locate “I want to create a new Google Analytics 4 property.”

Click on the GA4 property that you just created.

Step 3: Navigate to the new Google Analytics Data Stream.

To do this, jump over to your home dashboard and select Admin again.

Step 4: Select your new Data Stream.

This will take you to your new data stream.

Now, you can simply connect this new Google Analytics 4 data stream to your WordPress website.

Let’s learn how next in this how to switch to the new google analytics 4.

  • Setup Google Analytics 4 with WordPress (Beginners Guide)

Step 1: Follow the process we mentioned under the title above.

Setup Google Analytics 4: Like I shared above.

Step 2: Install the Google Tag manually.

Under this section in your Google Analytics data stream, copy this code.

Google Analytics 4 copy code

Step 3: Log in to WordPress.

Within your account add a new plugin. Click plugins and add new. Search for WPCode – Insert Headers and Footers, and install and activate this plugin.

Read more: How to back up your WordPress website.

Step 4: WPCode.

Once you have arrived inside this plugin, under Header, paste in the code that you copied from GA4. Then click save changes.

WPcode Insert Headers and footers plugin

Congratulation you have connected GA4 with WordPress!

Learn how to install google analytics on wordPress.

Here is a video guide to help you out if you prefer learning via video.

How to use Google Analytics 4 (Beginners Guide)

Okay so we have completed the simple process of installing Google Analytics 4 onto our WordPress website. Easy right!?

How to use Google Analytics 4 in 2023

Following this, it’s important to learn how to actually use Google Analytics and all of its useful tools, features and reports.

So, if you’re interested in learning how to navigate through your GA4 property, then check out my complete Google Analytics 4 tutorial for beginners.

Important: I dive into much more detail in my eBook (Go Digital Now) if you are interested in investing just $19 dollars into this powerful all-in-one small business resource.

Stew’s Final Thoughts

There we have it! That is how you can connect Google Analytics 4 to your WordPress website.

The primary focus of this video was to help you connect your WordPress website with Google Analytics 4. If you need further support, please let me know if the comments below.

The 1st of July 2023 is nearly here (Or when your reading this maybe the date has already past)!

So, be sure to shift over to Google Analytics 4.

Also, leave a comment below if you got value from this post. Thanks!

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My name is Stewart Gauld. I’ve been helping small and local businesses with digital activties over the last 7 years.